Respected Leaders of the Beloved Companies
Representatives of the company and top management involved in the business shall appear as such. Of course, if you are humble and not arrogant towards
human society, the natural environment and all your stakeholders, love and respect will follow you like a shadow. The goal of carbon neutral and ESG management,
which recently emerged during the global pandemic, is also to receive constant love and respect from inside and outside social groups.
Among the recent ESG performance indicators, eco-friendly issues such as carbon neutrality related to the global climate changes are emerging as the core
of international trade and socially responsible management. Meanwhile, Patagonia and Nestlé, recognized as global examples of ESG management, immediately
switched to a strategy that respects the environment and health when they were branded respectively as ‘environmental villains’ and ‘obesity products’, and
as a result, each year sales growth rate of 30% and sustainable revenue generation.
As such, environmental, health and eco-friendly issues to save the earth and mankind are being treated as long-term investment activities that companies
must strategically pursue in line with global standards and support from the government.
Therefore, environmental issues such as carbon neutrality are ‘survival tasks’ that the government must initiate to lead the industry and corporate management
in a global and eco-friendly way.
Essential Questions on ESG Management
Ⅰ Strategic Issues of ESG Management
1. ESG and Economic Performance
2. ESG and Quantitative Measurement
3. ESG and Responsible Investment
4. ESG and Sustainability Management
5. ESG and Information Disclosure
6. ESG and Future Development
Ⅱ ESG on Corporate Social Value
1. Social Aspect of the Enterprise
2. Corporate Social Performance
3. Corporate Socio-Cultural Characteristics
4. Corporate Social Responsibility
5. Social Audit and Auditor’s Role
6. Corporate Social Challenges
Ⅲ The Path and Companion of ESG Management
7. What is ESG Management?
8. Birth and Development of ESG Management
9. Purpose of ESG Management
10. The Future of ESG Management
Ⅳ『HERI』-Leading ESG Management in Korea
1. HERI-CSR Management Evaluation
2. Assessment of HERI-ESG Management
3. HERI-EA30 Future Forum
4. CSR2.0 Emerged as ESG
Ⅴ Patagonia - A Leader in Global ESG Management
1. Outdoor Apparel Industry and Patagonia
2. Foundation for Growth of Patagonia
3. Think-Tank Leadership that Drives Change
4. Corporate Environment and Strengthening Strategies
5. Core Competencies and Major Resources
6. Mechanism for Managing the Virtuous Cycle
7. Future Prospect of Patagonia
Ⅵ Ethics and Transparency to Lead ESG Management
1. Making Profits with Corporate Social Responsibility
2. Ethical Management for Corporate Sustainability
3. Respected Executives of Successful Companies
4. Historical Examples of Compliance Programs
5. Ethical Management Learned from History
6. Transparent Information and Scientific Measurement
Ⅶ The Practice of ESG Management
1. Practice by Norms
2. Practice by Self-Diagnosis
3. Practice by Certification
4. Practice by Reporting
5. Practice by Technology
6. Practice by Index
7. Practice by PRI and SRI
8. Practice by Reporting Standards
9. Practice by Corporate Initiatives
About Authors
Kichan PARK is a leading researcher in Organizational
Behavior and Strategic Management, currently serving as,
president of the Institute for Industrial Policy Studies (IPS),
chair professor at Seoul Business School (aSSIST), director
of the Jungseok-Inha Education Foundation, ConsultantBusiness School in China, and president of Korea Society
Committee member of Zhejiang University International
Business School in China, and president of Korea Society
for Sustainability Management (KSSM). Academic experiences in France; Sciences-
Po IEP Paris for a DEA in sociology, HEC Paris Business School for PhD in
management, researcher at INSEAD, professor at UBC in Vancouver Canada and
PSU in Phuket Thailand, pushed him to think more about global sustainability
management. Doctor Park introduced Team Performance Appraisal System (1997)
and Social Audit (1999) in Korea with the same titled books, followed by Management
Gurus (2005), Strategic Management (2015, 2017), Organizational Behavior
(2015, 2017, 2021), K-Management from Incheon (2021), with awarded academic papers
on leadership, business ethics, and knowledge management. His professional
experiences include the chairman of the BOD of Korea Airports Corporation,
senior vice-president of Korean Air in addition to active intervention and consulting
for Incheon International Airport Corporation, PwC-Samil, Deloitte, Samsung
Electronics, SK, and LG Group in management innovation.
Jeongchul CHOI is a researcher in Strategic Management,
Organizational Development and HRM, currently
serving as professor of Inha University, and executive
vice president of Incheon Port Authority (IPA) as well as
vice president of Korean Academic Society of Business
Administration (KASBA). He received a doctorate in business
administration with Social Performance Appraisal
Framework for Korean companies. He served as an outside director of Incheon
International Airport Corporation (IIAC) and as the chief secretary of the mayor of
Incheon Metropolitan City. His major books include Ask the Way to People and
the President: 100 key performance indicators that the President should take
care of (2014), and Best practices for corporate human rights management and
development of Self-diagnosis tools (2009).
Françoise CHEVALIER holds a PhD from HEC Paris
Business School and the French HDR qualification as a
supervisor of doctoral research. She is associate professor
in the Management and Human Resources department
at HEC. Françoise teaches Master, Doctorate and Executive
Education courses and has been a visiting scholar
at UC Berkeley. Her research concerns Management
Innovation, Organizational Change, Leadership and Human Resources Management,
Creativity and Pedagogy. She specializes in qualitative, comparative,
longitudinal research methods, and several of the HEC PhD dissertations supervised
by Françoise have won national and international prizes. Her most recent
publications include: Gestion du changement: vers un management polyphonique
(2021), La recherche enracinée en management: contextes nouveaux
et perspectives nouvelles en Afrique (2020), Research Methods for the DBA (2019).
Currently Françoise is a member of the editorial board of Gérer et Comprendre
and writes for academic and professional journals.
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고객 부담이 아닙니다. |
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당일취소 : 휴대폰 결제 승인취소 익월취소 : 계좌입금 |
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상품의 시리얼 넘버 유출로 내장된 소프트웨어의 가치가 감소한 경우 | |
노트북, 테스크탑 PC 등 | 홀로그램 등을 분리, 분실, 훼손하여 상품의 가치가 현저히 감소하여 재판매가 불가할 경우 |